CCTV Monitoring

Irrespective of the size of your business, its security is of paramount importance. Video surveillance using CCTV monitoring services offers a plethora of benefits to businesses. From deterring break-ins to helping your staff remain more confident, the use cases of video surveillance are known to one and all.

Setting cameras in your workplace is easier than ever, especially for people-focused businesses, such as call centers. But it is not always necessary that you shell out tons of money to get the best CCTV monitoring services for your business. You can always find other ways to make it more relevant and accessible, irrespective of the devices you use.

This article lays down five ways to make your CCTV monitoring cameras more accessible and valuable for your business.

How do CCTV cameras work?

CCTV cameras are entailed with recording the activity inside and around your business premises 24/7. The recordings are stored in a physical location in your systems or directly have it stored on the cloud for quick access.

Modern CCTV monitoring services also come equipped with advanced features, such as built-in motion sensors to track abnormal movement. These are AI-enabled and use technology to determine if the action is harmful and proactively inform the owner of the same.

CCTV cameras can be wired or wireless, depending on your preference. Wired security cameras are connected via wires to physical video storage devices, such as computer hard disks or NVRs (network video recorders) or DVRs (digital video recorders). In addition, these can also come equipped with Ethernet for remote connectivity.

On the other hand, wireless security cameras use minimal cables for operational purposes and use cloud services for recording and transmitting footage. The system is connected to a PC or a mobile app that allows the requisite persons to view the footage on the go.

Ways to make your CCTV monitoring services more accessible

  • Don’t bother trying to hide your cameras

Office colleagues inadvertently get into a funny conversation or find a way to distract themselves if they do not have a fear of someone seeing them. But when they know that they are under video surveillance, they will refrain from such unwanted conversations, which will improve their productivity. The same goes for your outdoor cameras too. Most burglars or other undesirable elements shy away from tormenting a business space well covered by CCTV footage.

  • It is not only the front door that needs protection

While you may be more tempted to cover the entry points to your official space, it is vital to cover other seemingly innocuous areas. While your front entry will inadvertently have a plethora of visitors and having a robust camera system will help you cover it with élan, it is equally vital to protect your less apparent places that may act as an unlikely entry point to your business premises. When you are already spending thousands of rupees, spending a little more won’t do any harm but will prevent your business from being damaged due to any unwanted intrusion.

  • Go for motion detection sensors

When you are looking to improve the productivity of your CCTV monitoring services and make them more accessible, it is vital for them to have the requisite capabilities. To ensure that you do not need a man to constantly gauge the footage screen 24/7, you will need to employ cameras with motion detection abilities. Consider what kind of motion is the most harmful for your business and make sure you have the requisite tools to track and inform.

For this, you can either opt for fixed algorithm analytics or AI-powered self-learning devices. The former have pre-saved templates to detect uncanny behaviour in the office. The latter is more advanced and continuously learns from the footage they capture to issue alerts on conduct inconsistent with the usual work scenario.

  • Periodic maintenance

Most hardware equipment requires regular maintenance, and CCTV monitoring services are no different. You will have to review your cameras once in a while to ensure they are working as you would like them to. It includes understanding their coverage area and assuring that all its functionalities are up and running. In addition, you can also periodically get the hardware cleaned to ensure its vision remains optimum and the switches, monitors, and others are working as intended.

  • Upgrade as you scale

When your business scales, you often have more employees in the same working space, or you shift to a newer and more ample working space to accommodate the increase in your team members. In such cases, your legacy monitoring systems may no longer handle the increased movement or the change in headcount. So it is vital for you to focus on upgrading your CCTV monitoring hardware capabilities to keep your security intact.

Wrap up

CCTV installation is vital to keep a close eye on your business. For this, it is essential for you to choose the right CCTV monitoring services depending on the kind of workplace you have and the level of security you require. These are one of the most vital call center services to have.