Given the globalization of pretty much every industry, and thanks to the Internet that allows companies to move their business online and reach wider markets, interpreting services have become extremely popular. Of course, most serious businesses and organizations have been using these in the past as well, so as to ensure seamless communication between any parties involved in conversations, but something has changed. What do you think it is?

It’s not a change as much as it is an addition, though. To cut to the chase, organizations are nowadays able to use video remote interpreting (VRI) services, the importance of which in clinical communication is further outlined on this page. Naturally, these services are not important in clinical communication alone.

As explained, due to the globalization of all industries, business working in pretty much any field nowadays have to rely on these services. Figured out that you could benefit from them as well? Then, what are you waiting for? Why not start using the option right away?

Okay, I guess I can tell what may be stopping you. While you understand the necessity of getting connected to a great video interpreter, you’re most likely worried that you could make some mistakes in the process, mistakes that could take a toll on your whole business. And, since you’ve never used this option before, it’s completely normal for you to be afraid of doing something wrong.

If you’re diligent and responsible enough, though, you’ll do everything right. Still, getting you familiar with some common mistakes that people could make in this process is important, as learning about those is precisely what will lead you towards avoiding them. Thus, I’ve listed some frequent errors before, and your task is simply to read through those and remember them when you go forward and decide to use the VRI option.

  1. Thinking Your Bilingual Friend Can Handle It

The single biggest mistake you can make is assume that your bilingual friend can handle the interpretation. Calling that friend and asking him or her to do you a favor and help out during the conversation could seem like the best idea. And yet, it’s very wrong.

Just because someone is bilingual, it doesn’t automatically mean they are cut out to be an interpreter, or a translator. It takes a special set of skills to be a successful interpreter, and your bilingual friend certainly won’t have those, unless he or she has spent years studying this field. Plus, if they’re not familiar with your industry, they will have a hard time using the industry-specific terms that you need to use so as to get your message across. This is why using the service video remote interpreting option and getting connected to actual professionals is always a better move than calling in a favor with your bilingual friends.

  1. Rushing Into Choosing Service Providers

True, using the VRI service is the right way to go. But, thinking that any provider will offer the perfect interpretation solution is definitely not the best move. Sure, you’ll be able to find quite a lot of great ones, but the point is that you’ll have to search for them and take time to do that, instead of rushing into things and making a choice on the spur of the moment. You want quality, don’t you? Well, do your best to get it and don’t rush into anything.

  1. Not Researching More of Them In Details

The mistake of rushing into things can easily lead to this one. Basically, you could wind up researching just one of these providers and basically being done with all of it, assuming that the one you’ve researched is the best you can do. How will you know that, though, unless you compare the info with something? A good question. And, the answer is – you won’t. So, researching more providers in details is a must, as it will allow you to compare the info and make an informed choice.

  1. Choosing Based on Prices

Should your informed choice be based on the prices of the VRI services? Definitely not. Not saying you should ignore the prices, though, because finding a reasonable option is crucial and you don’t want to get ripped off. Still, choosing based on nothing else but the price is not exactly the smartest move, as it could lead to poor quality interpreting, because you could be tempted to go for the lowest priced option.

Don’t know how much this could cost? Learn how to pay for interpreters in general:

  1. Failing to Specify the Interpreting Format

When in touch with the provider you choose, failing to specify the interpreting format could lead to some confusion. You want video, and you need to make that clear. There are also phone remote interpreting services, not including video, and if you don’t specify the format you require, you could get the wrong thing. So, making things clear is definitely a must.