a Contract Job

As the working world becomes more digital, more people are turning towards freelance and contract work. Instead of working for a company, tons of people have been able to use the power of the internet to start their own businesses. When you decide to go freelance, many benefits can come with that decision. Being a freelancer or a contractor may seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you can create an incredible life for yourself. So here are three reasons why you should take a contract job.

1. Job Security and Flexibility

When it comes to contract jobs, many people are hesitant because they’re worried about job security. But the good news is most contract gigs can last anywhere from three months to two years. This means that you will have job security for those periods, without feeling stuck in a particular position.

Having short-term contracts also allows you to branch out and try different positions in your career. Having shorter contracts also lets you expand your professional network.

You should be able to build great relationships with your contract employers and reach out to them for projects and jobs in the future. And if you go on to different projects and contracts, you have more of a network to tap into in the future. Taking on contract work allows you to not only have job security but create it on your own terms without feeling stuck or stifled.

2. Build Your Own Schedule

One of the best perks of working as a freelancer or contractor is the ability to build your schedule. Instead of having to stick to a 9-5, you can take on projects that align with your lifestyle and availability. You can take on more work and contracts if you’d like to make some extra cash, or easily scale it back if you are becoming overwhelmed.

Building your schedule can help you focus on other things in your life that are important as well. When you work as a contractor, you can create a great work/life balance that means work doesn’t always have to come first.

3. Follow Your Passions

One of the best parts about contract work is that you can do work that you are passionate about. Whether you are working with a company you’ve always been interested in or you’re building out your own business as an independent contractor. You can follow your own passions and push your career ahead by taking on contract positions.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a graphic designer but didn’t know how to make that leap. Taking on a contract to create a logo for a company can help you bridge the gap between having a hobby and turning it into a career.

Since contracts can be short you can also use them as an opportunity to find out what you truly enjoy doing for work. If one contract didn’t make you happy, move on to the next. You can do this by creating your own business and marketing yourself to clients. You can also check out freelance job sites to easily search for different contract positions.

Risks that Come with Contract Work

Although some risks come with being a contractor, you can figure out different ways to help yourself and push ahead while taking on these positions.

One of the risks that come with being a contractor is not having a company to rely on for benefits. But luckily, there are tools out there like Gigly that have affordable benefits specifically for freelancers and contract workers. So when you sign on to your first contract, be sure to get yourself benefits too. When you work for yourself, you want to be sure you’re protected and have the coverage you need to continue following your passions.


Although contract work can feel a little risky at first, it can also come with great rewards. If you’re a hard-working, self-starter then contract work is the perfect way to make more money and push your career ahead without having to work in an office all of the time. Taking a contract job can help you have a great work/life balance and work on the things that you are truly passionate about.