learn about your business

Owning your own business can be a rewarding, but challenging endeavor. There are a seemingly endless amount of decisions to make and a constant influx of issues that require solving. With approximately 20% of small businesses failing within the first year, many business owners and entrepreneurs feel a tremendous amount of pressure to not be a part of that statistic. While making your own mistakes and learning from them is a natural part of an entrepreneur’s life, there’s no harm in learning from the mistakes of others. 

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common mistakes made by small business owners and entrepreneurs and how you can avoid them. 

No Business Plan 

If you’re an experienced entrepreneur, you probably understand the importance of a business plan and already have one. However, many inexperienced entrepreneurs get swept up in the excitement of starting their own business and forget this crucial preparation step. 

While some people can succeed without a business plan, preparing one will increase the likelihood of your small business surviving. A business plan gives you a clear roadmap to success. It also allows you and your team to define objectives and measure your growth as a business. 

Expecting Overnight Success 

It’s true that some new business ventures do take off almost instantaneously, but this is a rare occurrence. In most cases, it takes hard work and patience to grow your small business. Expecting success almost immediately is a sure way to feel like a failure as an entrepreneur. 

It takes years, and in some cases, decades of hard work before your small business sees a substantial amount of cash flow. If you’re starting this small business in the hopes of getting rich quick, you might find yourself disappointed.  

Insufficient Budget 

Starting a business is expensive to say the least. Unexpected costs have an annoying tendency to ruin your budget. As a business owner, it’s important to take the time to prepare a budget in order to avoid the stress of running out of capital a few months into your new venture. 

A 2021 report found that only half of small businesses have an official budget. This means the other half dismiss this essential business practice entirely. “If you want to thrive as a new business in any competitive market, a well-planned budget can help you get there,” advises Marian McNeil, a business blogger at Writinity and Draftbeyond. “Good budget planning can help you secure more backers and investors. This reduces the financial strain on your personal resources as a business owner.” 

Underestimating Your Competition 

Unless you’ve developed an entirely new product with no other alternative, you will probably encounter stiff market competition. Even if you’ve created a new product, it’s important not to get too comfortable. More competition will likely follow you soon.

One of the most common mistakes made by small business owners and entrepreneurs is to underestimate their competition. If you’re competing for the same consumer base as another business, it’s a good idea to analyze your competition. Competitive analysis allows you to recognize market advantages and greater opportunities for growth. 

Absence Of A Good Marketing Strategy 

In today’s market, it’s almost impossible to grow as a business without an effective marketing strategy. And yet, a study of small business owners in the US found that 50% of small businesses have no marketing plan. 

If you want your business to succeed, a marketing strategy is crucial. Marketing allows you to reach potential customers and build brand recognition. It also helps you to understand your consumers better and develop a stronger relationship with them. 

“If the costs of marketing is the reason why you don’t have a marketing strategy as a small business, you should consider digital marketing,” suggests Elizabeth Rhodes, a marketing writer at Research Papers UK. “Digital channels of marketing tend to be significantly more cost-efficient than more traditional ads.” 

Ignoring Customer Feedback 

The harsh reality of being a small business is that your customers can make or break you. As a result, ignoring their feedback is a huge mistake. Customer feedback is invaluable to your improvement and thus, growth as business. 

It allows you to understand your consumers and their preferences better, which in turn, can boost sales. Reading reviews online, listening to in-person feedback, and skimming through social media comments can also help you determine which products or services are doing well. On the other hand, if your customers are displaying a lack of interest in an offering, that might be a sign that it requires improvement or should be cut entirely. 

Poor Customer Service 

As a small business, the customer experience should be a top priority. 89% of consumers are more likely to become a return customer following a good customer service experience. If you want your small business to succeed, you and your team must provide excellent customer service. 

Prioritizing customer service can set you apart from your competition. If you offer a similar product at a comparable price as another business but you offer a higher quality of customer service, people are more likely to choose you over your competition. 

Failing To Value Employees 

In addition to prioritizing the customer experience, you should also strive to provide a good experience for your employees. Happier employees are more incentivized to help you grow your small business. A study reveals that businesses with happy employees typically outperform their competitors by 20%. Since valued employees are more likely to enjoy their job, this can result in higher productivity and better customer service. 

Doing your best to provide a good work environment for your employees and listening to their concerns are crucial to your success as a business owner. On the other hand, failing to value your employees can result in a higher turnover rate which means more resources spent on hiring and training employees. 

Lack Of Strong Leadership 

While you should provide a good working environment for your employees, it doesn’t mean that you should be a pushover either. There’s no need to adapt a dictator style of leadership, but you ought to be able to make difficult decisions when a situation calls for it.

Your strong leadership is necessary if your small business is going to weather the ups and downs of an unpredictable market. You might not be able to predict the future of a constantly changing global economy, but you can certainly convince your team to have confidence in your leadership. 

Refusing To Delegate Or Outsource  

As much as you wish otherwise, you only have a certain number of hours in a day. If you’re the owner of a growing small business, time is your most valuable resource. Instead of spending it trying to do every task or solve every issue that requires attention, delegate some of the work to someone else. 

Stubbornly refusing to assign tasks to others and insisting on doing everything yourself is a common mistake among entrepreneurs and small business owners. It’s better for both your business and your sanity to focus on a limited number of tasks that you naturally excel at, and outsource the rest to an equally or more qualified individual. 


The life of an entrepreneur and small business owner is far from easy at first. It takes a great deal of hard work and dedication, but you can become a success story. Avoiding these common missteps can help you get there. 

Jenny Williams is a business development manager and writer at Essay Writing Service and Coursework Service. She writes more business strategies and tips for Gumessays.com blog.