The exact use of the wisdom teeth is not well known, but anthropologists theorize that they were useful when our ancestors needed to bite into tougher foods like raw roots and tough meat. As evolution occurred, and the foods we ate became softer, there became less space for a third molar in the mouth. When these extra molars come in now, they get forced into awkward and uncomfortable positions hence needing extraction. It is advised that the younger you get wisdom teeth removal surgery, the better it is, as young mouths are still taking shape and recovery is faster. However, the surgery can be performed at any time.
Whenever a problem is detected, it is always best to see a wisdom teeth dentist for advice on the best course of action. When left unattended, such problems may cause cavities and mouth discomfort with abscesses developing from bacterial build-up. They may also cause nerve pains and tumors in extreme cases. Click here to find out more different types of wisdom teeth removal surgeries right for you.
Types of Wisdom Teeth Surgeries:
The approach that your wisdom teeth dentist will take for extraction is dependent on how the wisdom teeth are growing in. They can come in sideways, they can be trapped or they can grow like other normal teeth. The biggest concern here is impaction, which means that the tooth does not fully erupt and is trapped in the jawbone.
Simple procedure: This is a non-complex procedure that is usually done when the teeth have no impaction. In this case, the crown of the tooth is usually above the jawbone and the gum line. All the wisdom teeth dentist has to do is simply extract them. It can be done quickly and without the need for anesthesia. The recovery period is also fairly quick.
Basic surgical: This is a moderate process, but still not very complex. It is done mostly where there is a soft tissue impaction or a partial bony impaction. In soft tissue impaction, the tooth is partially covered by gum tissue. If the impact is extensive, a ‘flap’ is usually cut in the gum to expose the tooth and allow for easy extraction.
Partial bony impaction also has a covering where the wisdom tooth is partially exposed with a part of it trapped below the gum line in the jawbone. An incision is then made to expose the tooth and a small amount of bone is shaved to expose the tooth. The tooth can then be cut in half along the crown for easier extraction.
Extensive surgical: Being the most complex wisdom tooth removal surgery, when there are complete bony impactions that are affecting the wisdom tooth. In the case of complete bony impaction, the tooth is completely encased in the jaw bone. It is seen as more of a commonality with sideways (horizontal) and backward (distoangular) teeth.
Here, a flap is usually cut in the gum to expose the tooth. The jawbone is carefully shaved away until the tooth is exposed. For easy extraction, the tooth is cut into smaller pieces.
The procedure for getting your wisdom teeth removed can be made easier with a qualified and experienced wisdom teeth dentist who is keen to make sure that you get through the procedure well.
The healing process varies from one person to another but on average it takes 1-2 weeks. To help with the pain, you can use ice packs and warm compresses while taking your pain medication daily. It might seem like a small process now to remove the wisdom teeth but in the future you will be grateful you did.