Class 11 Exam Preparation

Most of the time, students face a lot of problems when it comes to completing their Maths paper on time. This is specifically because of the tricky and long calculations that they need to perform at the time of solving Maths questions.

This is the main reason why students panic at the time of solving questions in exams. It is because they are not able to complete the paper on time. The students have to leave a few questions unwillingly as they run out of time. Often, the questions that they leave are those which they could solve very easily. This sort of situation is very disappointing for the students.

In the below-mentioned section, you, as a student, will get to know about some of the most important tricks and tips that you should follow for correctly finishing the Maths paper on adhered time. These easy and effectual tips will surely aid in writing a faultless exam paper so that you would be able to get good marks.

Knowing about the question paper design and examination pattern

If you want to smoothly write down the Maths paper, then the most significant thing is to properly comprehend the design of the question paper and examination pattern. This will specifically make you familiarized with the question paper structure that is going to appear in the board exam.

Not only that, but you should get an idea about the specific question format that appears in the exam along with mark breakup. If you get an idea about the question pattern, then you will not face any difficulty on the examination day. As a result, you will be able to save valuable time.

Preparing an effective strategy for the exam

After you got an idea about the exam pattern, the next thing is to analyze the exam pattern along with preparing an effective strategy for the final exam. In this regard, you need to check the question types, numbers along with mark breakup in the CBSE Maths question paper.

One of the most important and scoring topics is the number system and this is the main reason why you should focus more on this specific topic. The below-given table will let you know about the structure of questions that comes in the CBSE board Maths examination:



No. of questions present Marks allotted per question


20 1


6 2


8 3


6 4


So, you will get three hours to solve a total of 40 questions i.e. in 180 minutes. As a result, you should focus on dividing this time properly with the help of which, you will be able to complete all the questions on time.

You can do the time-division as given below:



No. of questions Time-division to consider


20 30 minutes


6 25 minutes


8 50 minutes


6 60 minutes


30 165 minutes


So, if you consider following the above mentioned time-division plan, then you would be able to complete your Maths paper on time. Not only that, but you will get 15 to 20 minutes extra that can be utilized for the effective revision of the whole paper.

You can make use of this time for attempting any question that you left previously and checking the complex calculations.

One of the most important things that you must keep in your mind is that there is no negative marking system in board exams and as a result, you should focus on attempting every question.

Using the first 15 minutes effectively

CBSE examinations provide you with 15 minutes for reading before you start attempting the exam. This time can prove to be very helpful when you can prepare an effective approach for writing the examination paper.

All that you need is to read all 40 questions accurately during this time. Adding, this time is considered to be perfect for marking the questions into three categories like tough, manageable, and easy.

This time is specifically allocated so that you get a brief idea about the questions. Thereby, you can be ready with a proper plan for attempting all of the questions correctly and smoothly.

Do not worry about the difficult questions

At the time, you read the overall paper, you need to look for specific questions that seem to be difficult. But, you should not worry about those questions as it can make you anxious and thereby hamper your performance. This is considered to be the main reason why your focus should always be on easier problems.

You need to start your exam with easy questions only. This will help to control your nerves. As you will consider solving every question correctly, you will gain confidence that you can use for solving complex problems.

Maintaining accuracy and speed

While you are involved in solving the problems, you should focus on maintaining accuracy. You need to ensure that you do not get confused specifically between two diverse topics. Another trick that you should follow is to implement quicker methods in calculations that will eventually help to solve your precious time.

However, you should always be very careful with the terms and also signs that are being used in a particular problem, otherwise, you will end up wasting your time to solve such a problem, and ultimately, it will lead to wrong answers.

Keeping a close eye on the time

At regular intervals, you should check the time i.e. maintaining a close eye on the time is considered to be an integral aspect. Also, you need to check the number of important questions that are left now.

So, this will help to check that you strictly adhere to the time allocation plan as this will help to complete the Maths exams on or before time. You will succeed by preparing smart and studying hard for the CBSE Maths exam. Your strategy should always be to write the exam within time and also in the proper way.

All the best!