Lenovo K8 Note, the next smartphone in the company’s K-series lineup, will be arriving in India on August 9. Now e-commerce website Amazon has revealed the handset will be exclusive to its platform when it launches in the country. Successor to the K6 Note, the upcoming Lenovo K8 Note has a dedicated page on Amazon India already, with the option for users to sign up to get notifications regarding the smartphone. This adds to the list of Amazon-exclusive smartphones, which includes the BlackBerry KEYone that was announced on Tuesday.
The Amazon India page for the Lenovo K8 Note highlights performance and photography as the notable features of the smartphone. A GeekBench listing revealed some key specifications of the upcoming ‘Killer Note’ model. According to the leak, the smartphone will run on Android 7.1.1 Nougat, and will be powered by a 1.4GHz MediaTek Helio X20 SoC, backed by 4GB of RAM. Both the processor and RAM are improvements over the K6 Note’s Snapdragon 430 SoC and 3GB of RAM.
Lenovo K8 Note India launch was confirmed last week on social media by the company, after a series of math-based quizzes asking fans to guess the name of the phone. The company has skipped the K7 Note moniker, and is skipping directly to the K8 Note name.
The reason behind going with ‘8’ is still unknown, but the number does suggest that the smartphone could sport a dual rear camera setup. To recall, the Lenovo K6 Note only featured a single rear camera, which makes it even more likely for the next iteration to get a dual camera module.

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