Choosing a booth space can be easy with sound research and help from other staff members. Some trade show spaces can be expensive due to their sizes or specific location. A booth space near the main entrance can have a higher price tag. This article describes five tips for selecting a suitable booth space for your business.
Do Not Pick Alone
Choosing a booth location is critical, and choices should not be made alone. You can consult relevant coworkers to avoid disappointing them. Other people can give you recommendations, preferences, and insights that can help you select #1 tradeshow displays locations. You can ask several people to get a consensus.
Creating Plan B
When you’re planning to attend a trade show, you could miss your favorite space. Other companies are also in the dash to find good booth locations. It’s vital to manage the expectations of your team members. Let the team know that different events have their ways of allocating spaces. You can ask the show management for pointers on how they plan to manage booth space.
Focussing on High Foot Traffics
Many people look for booth spaces near entrances or along main aisleways. The places have the highest traffic, and you can market your company products to people entering the event venue. If renting spaces near gates is within your budget, this option can yield good results.
However, the spaces can have a high price tag and require huge booth space. If your business is small, front-row booth space is out of the question. Other areas with high foot traffic include bathroom areas, the intersection of main aisles, and lounge areas.
Budgeting for Your Booth Space
When planning for a trade show, priorities like promotional costs, tradeshow exhibits costs, and staffing expenses come on top of the budget list. Also, it’s essential to include booth location expenses in your budget.
As the exhibition date approaches, you realize that you are more limited than anticipated. Therefore, setting a booth price you’re comfortable with earlier will prevent unnecessary pressure. Imagine planning a trade show for months only to end up in a booth space where you can’t get enough exposure. It can be discouraging.
Trade shows can offer discounts on first bookings of booth spaces. Register as soon as possible if you learn that you are attending an exhibition. Also, knowing your booth number earlier helps other planning processes like pre-show promotions.
It can seem easy to look at open spaces options available and know which area will work out well. It’s crucial to slow down your search to make a better decision. Consider all available options.
If you’re not happy with the available booth space, ensure the event organizers know that you’re open to moving if anyone cancels their area. Remember, booth spaces aren’t equal. Be strategic when selecting your booth location for the next exhibition.
When selecting a booth space, it’s important to consider foot traffic and your budget. Register for the next trade show to market your company and build good relationships with customers and suppliers.