Strokes impact millions of people across the world each and every year.  Signs of them are subtle and terrifying to a certain extent, and the aftermath of them can be incredibly challenging for both the person who suffered from it and the people who care about them.  Unfortunately, though, it’s a reality that many of us will be facing at some point in our lives.

The statistics simply don’t lie, here.  That’s why it is so important to be prepared in the event of a stroke, and to know what the symptoms look like.  Remember – they can manifest differently in men and women.

Coping in the aftermath is often what is the hardest step of the journey, though.  This is even more true if a patient ends up needing to enter palliative care.  If you are concerned about having your loved one enter hospice care, though, then this article will have some must-know information for you.

What is Palliative Care?

Many people are already aware of what this is, but it is worth touching upon briefly to start.  Essentially, it is end-of-life care for patients who are approaching the end of their lives but still need treatment plans to help manage their ongoing symptoms.  Although it is never easy to put a loved one into this type of care, it is often necessary – and even kindness – to do so.

Typically, it involves a treatment plan that specifically targets certain symptoms that a patient is experiencing to help manage them or reduce them to some extent.  Whether this is pain or something else, the staff in a facility or the at home nurses administering hospice care are meant to aid in this process.

Why it’s Important for Stroke Patients

As was briefly touched upon before, something important to acknowledge about strokes is that they can impact everyone differently.  Some patients will lose feeling in parts of their body, others will recover quite well, and some sufferers will have cardiovascular failure and end up passing away almost immediately.  They are unpredictable.

Thus, creating care plans can be quite challenging.  They will need to be fluid to a certain extent, as different symptoms could end up manifesting at any time.  There will always be a certain level of unpredictability for all patients in palliative care, but especially for stroke patients.  You can get an idea of what that might look like here,, if you are not sure what it may be like at a facility.

Just like the statistics say, there are a lot of people who suffer from strokes each year.  They are also one of the biggest causes for permanent disabilities here in the United States at least, which is startling to hear.  This is another part of why the hospice care for stroke patients needs to be excellent.

More often than not, stroke patients will have certain special needs that are different from others who enter palliative care.  They could have nerve damage or neurological troubles, as just two examples of many potentials.  Having them in a facility or under the watchful eye of a healthcare professional at all hours of the day can be quite critical to ensure that they are as comfortable as they can be.

This is a problem that spans the world, as you can see in this article.  Ideally, we can all work together to raise awareness of strokes and the strains that they can place on a person and their loved ones.  At the very least, though, we can gain a better understanding of why specialized palliative care is so important.


Raising Awareness and Helping Our Loved Ones

No one wants to receive news that their loved one has suffered from a stroke.  Unfortunately, it is something that happens often on a statistical level.  Having a better understanding of what a stroke is and what the warning signs of one are can be genuinely life-saving information.  That’s why improved awareness in general for them is quite critical.

Naturally, the professionals in a hospice or palliative care facility are well informed on these matters.  They will be able to tell if a patient is experiencing another stroke and act quickly, since many patients who have had one will end up suffering from another as well.  Again, there are a lot of reasons that you may want to have a stroke patient enter a facility.

Monitoring their well-being 24/7 when you aren’t a trained medical professional isn’t possible and is incredibly risky.  Sometimes the symptoms of an oncoming stroke are difficult to see, and because they can manifest themselves differently depending on several factors, it is generally encouraged to get some professional help instead.  Of course, at the end of the day, it is a decision that you and your loved ones will have to make.

By Swati