Last year’s reports show that the total number of car accident deaths in the US has intensified. A significant number of those deaths are because of rear-end accidents.

Rear-end accidents are among the most common types of car accidents in Denver. It is dangerous and might cause extensive damage to properties and the injured party’s body.

In a severe case, a rear-end accident may lead to soft tissue injuries, spinal injuries, fractures, or even death. If you are involved in a rear-end accident because of another person’s negligence, you need to reach out to a rear-end accident attorney in Houston a fair compensation for the damages and injuries.

Causes for a Rear-End Accident

Rear-end collisions happen when the front of one car strikes the rear end of another motor vehicle. These accidents generally happen when someone is engaged in careless or distracted driving.

Drivers may operate their cars carelessly if they follow too closely and if they fail to observe changing conditions on the road. Either of the following can cause distracted driving:

  • Performing or eating
  • Talking on phone
  • Texting as you drive
  • Operating on the radio while driving

How Fault is Determined

Determining fault is basically an important part of a car accident claim. Denver has a fault-based system revolving around auto accidents.

Drivers or parties at-fault are liable for the loss, which others suffer, including lost wages and medical expenses. In many rear-end collisions, rear drivers are regarded as the party at fault for the collision.

Denver drivers are usually required to leave a distance between their cars and the motor vehicles in front of them to give them room to stop and slow down safely when necessary.

Situations Front Drivers Might be at Fault

It is hard to imagine situations where front drivers are liable for rear-end accidents. But this happens every time. The main reason Denver’s law presumes rear drivers to be at fault is that, mostly, it is true.

Rear drivers normally have the last clear opportunities to avoid an accident. And if the front cars are not moving, it will make sense that the rear drivers caused the accident.

However, there could be times when front drivers might be at fault. These situations are not limited to the following:

  • They slam on the brakes
  • Their brake lights are not functioning
  • They were turning and stopped unexpectedly
  • They pulled over at a location when motor vehicles have no reason to stop

Who will pay for the Damages?

Your attorney will try to get compensation on your behalf through a civil lawsuit or insurance settlement. In Denver, if you get involved in a rear-end accident, the party at fault is financially liable.

Usually, your claims might be resolved by an insurer, but the other party’s insurer benefits from paying the minimum amount in claims.

In a Nutshell!

If your bills keep on mounting or your motor vehicle is totaled, you may want to think of pursuing a case. You must begin the legal procedure immediately and leave nothing to chance.

Texas law gives you two years to file a lawsuit. Though this doesn’t mean that you procrastinate until the end of the second year.

By Swati