Earning a DBA degree gives you a major competitive advantage in today’s business markets. Doctoral degrees are rapidly growing in popularity throughout the US (as well as the rest of the world), which means there’s never been a better time to earn yourself one. It’s a big career step, though, so you likely have many questions buzzing around your brain. To help give you peace of mind, this guide is going to tell you all the important things you need to know about earning a DBA degree by the state in the US. By the end of the guide, you’ll be able to take some positive steps forward! 

As soon as you’re ready, you can start reading below. 

Which US States Offer DBA Degrees? 

The majority of US states (and the universities within them) offer people the chance to study for DBA degrees. 

For example, you can get a DBA degree in San Diego California. Interestingly, you don’t even have to be from San Diego to do this, as there’s a choice for either online or on-campus learning. You could be from New York and still be able to earn a DBA degree from San Diego. Make sense? Perfect. 

Wherever you currently live in the US, it’s worth checking to see which local universities in your area offer DBA degrees. Remember, though, online learning (e-learning) has become incredibly popular since the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020! What this means is that you can choose from a variety of universities to enroll with – even if you live hundreds of miles away. This is because you’ll be doing all the learning and studying from the comfort of your own home using your laptop or computer. 

What Do You Learn During a DBA Degree? 

DBA degrees generally come with the same purpose: to prepare individuals for successful careers in management! Sometimes, entrepreneurs will study for DBAs out of sheer personal choice. They’ll own a business and want to take it to the next level, which is why they turn to a DBA program. 

It’s also common for companies to send select employees on DBA courses because they see it as an excellent long-term investment. When a company has a handful (or more) of employees with DBAs, it automatically hands them a huge advantage, as it means their employees are equipped with knowledge and skills surrounding:

  • Business theories and methodologies 
  • Business ethics 
  • Research 
  • Collaboration 
  • Technology

Now, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of earning a DBA. 

The Benefits of Earning a DBA: What You Need to Know 

  • Work Closely with a Mentor 

When studying to earn a DBA degree, your university might put you together with a research partner so that they can mentor you and provide you with valuable knowledge. Most successful entrepreneurs in the business world previously had mentors who helped them get to where they are, so this is definitely something to keep in mind. 

  • Put Knowledge into Practice 

The knowledge you learn while completing your DBA will be practical – meaning you can use it in real business environments. You’ll be able to make better decisions surrounding a range of factors, from analyzing markets to hiring new employees. 

  • Command Higher Salary 

After completing your DBA, you’ll find that you’re now ready for senior-level roles and positions within your existing company (or other companies). As a result, this means you can command a higher salary, which is ultimately great for your career. If you’re an ambitious individual who wants an exciting career in business, then a DBA degree is definitely the direction to go in. 

  • Maintain a Study-Work Balance 

Many entrepreneurs and business professionals have put off the idea of studying for a DBA because they think time restraints make it impossible. However, as mentioned earlier, DBAs can now be studied online from home. This is brilliant, as it means people can study while still maintaining their normal work lives. For example, many mature DBA students will complete their studies during evenings and Sundays as a general plan. 

  • Grow Your Confidence

Finally, earning a DBA will massively boost your confidence. You’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to take you far in a highly competitive business world, which is something you can’t put a price on. Remember, if you and another individual apply for a management role, you’re much more likely to get hired because you have a DBA! After all, it’s something that many hiring teams look for in aspiring candidates.  

There’s no rush to start your DBA degree journey. However, most DBAs (even the online ones) take several years to complete, so it’s better to start one now rather than later. If you’re currently going through a busy work period (for example, you might have taken on a new role in your company), you’ll perhaps need to wait a year or two before the time is right to start your DBA!

By Swati