A cannabinoid called CBD helps regulate nausea, promoting healthy cellular activity and improving mood. It’s currently being studied as an anticonvulsant to support the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

It’s also undergoing research as a potential treatment for Rett syndrome, a rare neurodevelopmental condition that affects girls only.

What Is CBDV?

Many people are still unsure what is CBDV and how it helps the body. CBDV, or cannabidiol, is one of 60 known non-psychoactive cannabinoids in cannabis plants. This chemical cousin to CBD is a relative newcomer to formal medical research but has already been shown to be effective at reducing seizures and improving the neurobehavioral symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. CBDV is also thought to help with Rett and Fragile X syndrome potentially.

CBD has the same chemical structure as CBD and interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and TRP ion channels similarly. When the ECS isn’t functioning correctly, we experience many symptoms, including anxiety, insomnia, migraines, increased pain sensitivity, menstrual pain, and more.

CBDV is created in the plant through a conversion process where it starts as a precursor to CBD, CBG, or THC and then transforms into CBDV when subjected to heat during decarboxylation. At this point, it is rare to find a pure CBDV product, and most products that include this cannabinoid are typically ratioed with another cannabinoid.

How Does CBDV work?

While THC and CBD have stolen the spotlight from cannabis, one lesser-known cannabinoid that holds a lot of promise is CBDV (cannabidiol). CBDV is found in low concentrations within the plant and is often found alongside CBD in hemp varieties. However, the non-psychotropic cannabinoid has a unique way of alleviating pain and anxiety, reducing nausea, and helping treat some types of epileptic seizures.

CBDV inhibits specific nerve cells that cause inflammation, pain, and seizures. This is why it’s a great alternative to traditional medications for these conditions.

Similarly to CBD, CBDV has been shown to interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain to relieve pain, increase mood, and suppress anxiety. CBDV has also decreased the frequency of drug-resistant epileptic seizures in preclinical studies.

Does CBDV Get You High?

CBDV, like its brother cannabinoid THCV, is not psychoactive and does not get you high. It was first discovered over 50 years ago and, like many of the cannabis plant’s minor cannabinoids, was difficult for scientists to study due to widespread prohibition. CBDV is a byproduct of cannabigerol acid (CBGVA), turning into tetrahydrocannabinol (THCV).

Unlike THCV, it does not show a strong affinity for CB1 receptors which is one of the reasons that it doesn’t produce the psychoactive effects associated with THC.

CBDV is also being investigated as a possible anti-nausea agent as it appears to activate and desensitize TRPV1 receptors. Inhibiting L-a-Lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI), an oncolipid encouraging tumor growth, may lower breast and ovarian cancer incidence.

What Are The Benefits of CBDV?

CBDV is non-psychoactive and offers a range of health benefits. It is suitable for reducing inflammation and pain, improving mood, overcoming nausea, and treating seizures and autism spectrum disorders. It also works well alongside CBD to provide synergy, known as the entourage effect.

Cannabis and hemp plants naturally produce high levels of CBD and low levels of THC, and this combination of compounds is known as CBD.

This includes landrace indica strains from Asia and Africa high in CBD. Additionally, genetic engineering and extraction techniques make it feasible to increase the concentration of CBDV in a plant.

CBDV is an anticonvulsant, desensitizing our TRP ion channels to lessen seizure activity. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to reduce Rett syndrome symptoms related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

By Sambit