As consumers, the amount of electronic media we purchase and consume continues to rise each year. As new models make their way to the market, we rush to the nearest electronic store to purchase the latest cell phones, laptops, tablets and more. Let’s see the importance of recycling electronic waste.
When new electronics are in our possession, what do we do with the older models? In short, the answer lies in recycling. Recycling is no longer just for paper and plastic; it includes any number of electronic media.
When it comes to electronic recycling waste, the importance cannot be overstated. Rather than leaving your electronics in a drawer in your home, scrap yards in Toronto and worldwide have the resources to collect and securely destroy your items without compromising your personal data.
Let’s explore the definitions and benefits of recycling electronic waste so that you can make the best decision for your household and the planet.
What is Electronic Waste?
Electronic waste refers to any electronic items that are no longer being used or aren’t able to function efficiently. This could include any number of items, including laptops, hard drives, printers, tablets and more.
Why is Recycling Electronics Important?
Without proper recycling resources, thousands of tonnes of electronics can easily find their way into landfills which significantly negatively impacts the environment. Recycling allows for pepper discarding of electronic media without compromising the planet’s health.
Discarding Toxic Materials
Dated electronic devices may contain several toxic substances, including lead, mercury, chromium, and cadmium. For this reason, professional electronic waste recycling is essential. This process ensures these materials are not released into the atmosphere via landfills. Additionally, many of these materials are flame retardant and must be adequately destroyed to prevent potential fire hazards.
Protecting Confidential Data
When you leave old electronics lying around, you’re opening up the possibility for others to access your personal or professional data. Using a professional recycling and data destruction company effectively ensures your items are securely destroyed, and your information remains confidential.
General Waste Management
As a collective planet, our goal is to reduce our environmental impact. This requires properly discarding items such as electronics to ensure they don’t end up in landfills where they won’t decompose. There is a more significant opportunity to repurpose these materials to cut back on new products and reduce our overall environmental impact with recycling. −−It is important to note that there is a clear definition of e-waste and that e-waste is subject to separate regulations from general waste. Websites like https://ewmdumpsterrental.
How Does Electronic Recycling Work?
While each organization or municipality has its recycling methods, there are often common overlaps in the process. In many cases, items such as batteries can be melted down into elements like lead and nickel, which can be repurposed into a variety of items.
Most electronics, once collected, are shredded into smaller pieces for sorting and are manually dismantled. Materials are then separated into core and component materials which are then further categorized into items that can be reused and ones that require an additional recycling process.
Through dust extraction and magnetic and water separation, electronic materials are meticulously broken down until they’re able to be repurposed into new items — helping consumers reduce their reliance on new, environmentally unfriendly products.