Psychology Concepts to Motivate

Everyone faces challenges in their daily lives, though the magnitude became manifold in the advent of the covid-19 global health pandemic. Governments enforced public health guidelines that influenced a radical change in the way of life and affected the livelihoods of many. It, therefore, comes as no surprise to find psychological problems becoming more pronounced at every level of the family unit. So how can you go about this issue to safeguard your mental health for the rest of this year? Here are few Psychology Concepts to Motivate You for the Year.


Psychology Concepts to Motivate You for the rest of the Year

  • Our nature demands to see others in the best light. The mind often proves adept at filling perception gaps. It often arises because we recognize movement from a cascading image series besides the three-dimensional or two-dimensional perception of objects and surfaces, respectively. Psychologists deduced in a journal paper that minds tend instinctively erring when it comes to beauty. For instance, most people will attest to incomplete pictures proving more attractive compared to complete pictures.
  • You never necessarily proved happier when younger. Most people can experience feelings of loss and aging when celebrating New Year. However, you can reframe the negative feelings and attitude into positive attitudes of potential extra happiness the following Year relative to the last one.  Studies show that individuals in their 20s experience the lowest levels of optimism, then this rises steadily for those in their 30s up to 40s, before gradually declining as individuals reach 60 years.    
  • In relationships, commitment becomes key. Almost everyone has experienced or witnessed a bad, good, or both relationship.  A Samantha Joel-led team of scientists from Assignment Geek, found that individuals who had an unwavering belief in their partner’s commitment to their relationship reported their relationships as flourishing. Additionally, the commitment had more bearing than support, passion, sexual frequency, and affection.
  • Set the correct goals and avoid setting aimless goals. Almost every psychologist will tell you of the huge difference between goal setting and that which focuses on setting the correct goals. But how can you determine if your goal proves correct or not? Try and consider these questions ad rate them on a scale of one to five, representing disagreeing strongly and five agreeing strongly.   
  • Have you set the goal because someone else wants you to, or is it because you will realize something out of it?
  • Have you set it because you will feel ashamed in an instance you failed to set it?
  • Have you set it because you believe it proves a crucial goal?
  • Have you set it because of its potential to offer you enjoyment and fun?
  • Have you set it because the goal represents your personality and reflects your life’s values? 

Whenever you feel like the third top-five questions described your objective or goal, then you possibly prove on track. It arises because the reasons indicate intrinsic and self-concordance motivation in the pursuance of a goal while the first and second prove non-concordant and extrinsic.

  • Become open, positive, and straightforward. Positive emotions, openness to emotions, and straightforwardness characterize healthy psychology, which you need to embrace.


It becomes crucial to consider the psychological ideas discussed in the article to motivate and take charge of your Year.