refridgerator's life

Fridges aren’t something that we want to replace often, but when your refrigerator starts smoking, making noises or just won’t keep its temperature anymore, then its going to cost you time and money to fix or replace it.

What about if we could prevent this from happening, or at least share a few valuable tips that will extend the current life of your fridge to get the most out of your appliance. Here are a few handy tips that will help keep your fridge ticking over for another few years or so.

#1 Don’t keep your fridge in a hot room during summer

So many people put their fridges or freezers in the garage, even during the peak of summer when they’re at their peak temperature. This will not only make your fridge work harder, it will also make the fridge less energy efficient. When you store your refrigerator in a room that’s very hot, make sure to keep the door closed as much as possible. Obviously this doesn’t mean you should never open the door, but if there is heat building up in whatever room your fridge is stored in on a daily basis, then it will have to work harder just to stay at the same temperature. Try air conditioning, or install vents in your garage walls for summertime use.

#2 Don’t put anything on top of or next to your appliance

Placing items on top of your fridge or too close to the side, acts as another layer of insulation for the fridge, meaning its struggling to disperse of the heat that’s being created inside. This will not only make the fridge work harder, but it has potential to make your appliance more prone to damage or destruction due to power fluctuations caused by insulation.

#3 Make sure to defrost your appliance every six months

When you turn on your air conditioner in summertime, do you ever see it dripping water over time? That is exactly what happens inside your freezer too! As ice builds up during operation, its important that you make sure to defrost every six months. This will help reduce stress on the compressor and components which could lead to premature failure of your unit. There are two ways to go about this. Take the fridge outside and remove the back panel, letting the ice melt in full sun or a safe area. The other option is to turn off power to your unit, let it melt naturally and be aware of the water dripping out the front door.

We hope these tips help you out, and they should extend the life of your fridges and improve the overall performance of your unit. For more tips like this, be sure to check out