alcohol rehab

While binge drinking is not as harmful as alcohol use disorder (AUD), it has a wide range of overwhelmingly negative effects physically, mentally, and even socially. Many of the side effects that come from binge drinking are temporary and subside after a short time. Drinking a lot of alcohol (4 or more alcoholic beverages per occasion for women or 5 or more drinks per occasion for men) within a very short time, usually, a two-hour time frame constitutes binge drinking.

This immediately leads to nausea, coordination problems, and shakiness among many physical effects. Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance among teens. The effects of singled-out nights in which dangerous amounts of alcohol are consumed cannot be ignored as stand-alone cases, that is why affected teenagers need to attend rehab centers near me. Learn more about 4 good reasons!

1. Reduce the risk of or prevent addiction.

Teenagers especially between the ages of 12 and 20 consume 90 percent of their alcohol during binge drinking sessions. Drinking at a young age has a higher risk because the likelihood of developing an addiction, later on, is very high. A jump from binge drinking into serious alcohol abuse disorder is easy. Binge drinking acts as a catalyst for further negative outcomes including alcohol addiction.

 Rehab can help you learn about addiction. You will have the ability to think more clearly and can educate yourself on the senses, events, and habits that trigger use and addiction so that you can take intentional efforts to avoid them.

2. Adverse physical effects

Single binge drinking sessions may involve daring volumes of alcohol. Damage to the body is both short and long term with some effects being irreversible. The high blood-alcohol content puts your health at risk:

  • Heart problems
  • Liver damage
  • Brain damage
  • infertility
  • Death

More than just recovering from the physical aspects of binge drinking, attending alcohol rehab near me will provide a focus on preventing any further binge drinking sessions and your body and mind’s overall health.

3. Mental, behavioral, and cognitive impact

Alcohol has different effects on teens, as it has on older drinkers. Since the adolescent’s brain is still developing and alcohol use affects brain functionality, damage at this stage is carried long into the teenager’s life. Behavioral outbursts, hostility, depression, social isolation, and memory problems are signs of negative cognitive impact.

4. Rapidly increases the chances of accidents and self-harm

Approximately one-third of all car accidents in the United States involve drunk drivers, and more than half of those are teenage binge drinkers. Driving after a binge drink is deadly with very high chances of a car crash causing serious injuries or death. Binge drinking also raises chances of accidental self-harm and injury within physical spaces. Among women, it raises the odds that you’ll be a victim of sexual violence and assault. 

The first step towards rehabilitation is acknowledging the negative effects of binge drinking. Attending alcohol rehab near me will guide you on how to dispose of drinking from your life, thus preventing further complications. Rehabilitation is not only reserved for teens showing alcohol use disorder but also helps prevent alcohol addiction and helps mitigate the effects of binge drinking.