When you are trying to obtain your real estate license classes online, there are certain things that you must do before you can do this. In particular, you will find that five or more fundamental things affect how you will be able to get your license. You will also have to be a certain age before you can do this as well. This blog will discuss Prerequisites You Need Before You Can Take Florida Real Estate License Classes Online.
The Basics Of What You Need
The first three things that you need before gaining your real estate license are that you need to be eighteen, have a social security number in the United States, and have a high school diploma. If you don’t have a certificate, a GED can be used here as well.
Complete Your Approved Education
To gain your license, you will have to complete over sixty hours of Florida real estate license classes online. The course will cover everything that you need to know to become a great sales associate. You will learn laws and financing as two of the significant areas of study.
Passing The Final Exam
After completing this course, you need to make sure that you have met the FREC minimum course time prerequisites. You will need a score of seventy percent or higher. If you fail this exam, you may only retest once within the year of the exam that you failed.
Your Next Steps In This Process
Once you have been able to finish this process, you will need to submit fingerprints to the DBPR. From here, you need to complete the application and wait for the necessary approval. This process can take time, so be prepared for the wait.
Florida Real Estate License Classes Online
In the last step, you must pass the state and national portions of your Florida license exam. You can schedule the exam quickly, but remember, as we have said above, you must pass with a score higher than seventy percent.
The Time It Will Take
It will take time and your effort to do this. However, most people can obtain this license in as little as five months. Others that have more time can complete it in two months. After the class is complete, you should plan to spend at least a month or more finding a broker to sponsor them.
The Cost Of Becoming A Licensed Salesperson
When you want to become a real estate agent, you need to pay for things, and the breakdown will look like this.
- Examination fee- forty dollars
- Fingerprinting- fifty dollars
- Tuition-two hundred dollars
- Application fees-ninety dollars
The total cost to do this would be three hundred and eighty dollars.
Florida Real Estate License Classes Online Can Change Your Life
Florida real estate license classes online can alter the course of your life and make it better. Changing your life while achieving your goals is a great thing to undertake. With perseverance and taking this course, it is possible to achieve your goals and become the person you want to be in the real estate world.