Last straight before the exam. Philosophy will open, as every year, the ball of events. The tension of the candidates is at its height, not to mention that of the parents! Stressed parents, revise the basics of serene behavior to best support your youth during the baccalaureate.
Teenage is a name of age of learning new things so many teens make mistakes while learning their behavior. So, there are some common problems teens face today but with the attention, we can cure.
1 / Put limits.
It is normal for a student to be stressed but beware of those who do not know how to handle this stress. Be there to channel it so that the bad mood does not reign over the whole family.
2 / Help it in the methodology.
Any examination requires an optimal organization of its work. High school students do not always have this methodology. Give him advice, in terms of highlighting, card making and revision techniques, to respect them if he wishes.
3 / Advise him to train.
If a few weeks from the day your future bachelor does not know how to do it, suggest him to review with annals and practice doing small exercises corrected.
4 / Help him understand his mistakes.
Encourage him to show you his copies of the year and together, try to understand his weaknesses and the mistakes that come up often. This will help him understand his mistakes and better address them. INDOOR RABBIT HUTCH
5 / Let him relax
if his time is well organized, it is important that he can blow at times. Encourage him to organize his time and cut his revisions by one hour of sport or one hour of outing with his friends. He will feel better and it will help him to be more efficient in his work.
6 / diet.
Make sure your diet is healthy, make meals not too heavy, but that will hold him to the body. Choose foods that have the reputation of booster concentration and memory (fish, dried fruits …).
7 / Promote a pleasant climate.
Set aside all the minor items during the few weeks before the bin to avoid unnecessary disputes.
8 / Everything is in the measure.
It’s good to be concerned about the studies of your child but keep in mind that it is not you who pass the bac. Do not overdo it otherwise it may annoy him and he will not feel involved.
9 / Facilitate life:
The idea is not to spoil it excessively, but simply to spare it. The final year is a busy year, as the young person must also think about his orientation and send his post-bac applications. Help him in purely administrative tasks: photocopies of diplomas, sending letters.
10 / Encourage it.
Stress is communicative, do not pass on your anxieties, but try to think of things in a positive way. Tell him you trust him. Knowing that his parents believe in him and feel able, will help him to consider the exam more serene and to put all the chances on his side.
Lies and mythomania in children and adolescents: should we worry?
No, it’s not me who broke the vase!” What parent has never heard this sentence come out of the mouth of his child planted in the middle of the living room, the ball still under his arm? The lie, big or small, all the children use it. How to react as parents? Beatrice Copper Royer, a clinical psychologist specializing in childhood and adolescence, gives us her advice.
First lies in children: from what age do we see them appear?
The lie is related to the work of the imagination and the feeling of omnipotence in the child, so it can appear from 3 years.
Why do children lie?
There are different types of lies. When a child 3 years said, “today I saw a tiger”, this corresponds to a frenzy, he thinks it is the truth, the reality.
Around 5/6 years old, another form of lying appears. The lie becomes intentional. It will serve to protect itself from a situation, like being scolded for doing something stupid. The lie can also be a form of immaturity, a somewhat fragile narcissistic relationship against which the child will try to struggle. The child will lie, out of frustration because he has not borne such or such failure. In adolescence, the lie is there to preserve a space of freedom, a space far from the parents.
The lie, is it serious?
All the children lie. Do not worry, if the lie is too frequent and becomes a system of life, there against cons, you must consult.
How to react as parents?
In small children, the important thing is not to stigmatize the child, not to call him a liar. Without dramatizing, it is sometimes enough simply to put it in the truth, to remind him of the reality so that he makes the difference. If this is common, parents should try to understand why their child is lying. The more a child is fearful of authority, the more likely he is to lie.
When it comes to a teenager, the parent can remind him of the notions of trust. Explain to him that if he lies to you, you risk having a behavior of distrust. The teenager must understand that it is his or her behavior that will create the surveillance system and that it will not be worth lying to you.
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