Seemingly DevOps is combination twin word of both development and operation. Though a mechanical term and highly focusing on technology. Scholars and academic professions define the term DevOps as: an ethnic philosophies, practices, and as the latest DevOps tools open source to deliver quality services at high speed within a short time frame. On layman’s thinking DevOps is a fruitful term baring a lot of meaning.

We can also take it further and say it is diligent way of surfacing and producing improved products at fast reliable pace compared to organization using old traditional software to develop and manage infrastructure.

What is the sole goal for DevOps?  This been a combination of development and IT. The term has greater goals of bringing better and quality communication and workmanship between two business units in order to have quality services.

DevOps is a replicable and broad spectrum word thus having a lot of meaning but basically meaning changing from slow tradition to fast reliable and time effective technology read more about  DevOps certification in Riyadh.

DevOps tools.

With the above description of DevOps tools, we come now to think of what are the best tools to build our organization and companies. This has been taken in different dimension according to the team driving the company or organization. Some feel they should base their DevOps tools on the IT knowledge they have or the number of years in certain field or even what has worked for other firms. All this is correct and might help improve build the company.

However today we’ve come up with some of the best DevOps tools. They are well researched by DevOps professionals who have mastered various aspects of software development through extensive DevOps online training. Note it takes some effort to find the best open source tools, in fact you can try different tools since some come with trial period. This helps determine the best DevOps tools for your company/organization.

  • Gradle

Being the best replacement of the Apache Ant and the Maven which were at the top by then. Gradle has shown great capabilities. It was officially introduced in the market in the year 2009 and has been very strong since then. It has it best for you can write your special code in the Java, C++ and other languages.

The tool has been select best by the big giant companies like Google to stand in as their official build tool. This bring more confident in the tool, to top it up Gradle has brought up a describing builds named Groovy-based DSL. They have gone further and introduced the Kotlin-based DSL. Basically Gradle gives a lot of choice of tools to help write your build scripts. It is time effective, fast and reliable tool compared to Maven and other tools. The tool has a lot of configuration opportunities and helps store more information.

  • Jenkins

This an automation tool and love for many development companies. The tool is easy to use and gives the choices of add-ons and plugins. Jenkins has a way of customizing ones CI/CD pipeline. Plugins making it more popular and reliable tool. Jenkins happens to have more than 1,000 plus plugins as to date. The tool is flexible and work will other DevOps tools like Docker and Puppet which are also famous tools in open-source tools.

The tool I flexible and easy as it start on windows, Linux and Mac OS X where other tools find it difficult. The tool might not be too fast as said but it is the only tool which is easily accessible. You can check how far you have achieved on your pipeline and can accepts new codes easily. We all want tools that work well and effective right? Then Jenkins is the tool to go for.

  • GIT

Tiny as the word look it plays a big part in the developer’s world. This being the popular tool in the market and across all software industry. Briefly get to know how effective the tool can be. You want to track each and every progress new development in your work? Git gives that privilege extending the favor of you saving new source codes. It is not difficult to get your first code of the previous version when needed.

In order to have the best of Git, it advisable to create a source for your crew to work at. This is by integrating Git with best DevOps, we have popular sources for Git namely: GitHub and the Bitbucket.

Taking the Bitbucket source it is more reliable and fast with unlimited private sources for the smaller teams. GitHub on the other hand give public sources freely though fine at some point but a bot limited when it comes to team number.

It’s evident that finding the best open source tool takes time and commitment. One has to test and see what works best for them and their industry. However the above are just a tip of the iceberg but have the highest rank on the list, take time to analyze and get the best DevOps tool.


By asktohow

Owner of Asktohow